
Grist CSV Viewer

Open source, in-browser, interactive CSV preview installed with two lines of HTML.

Try it now

…or with your own data!

Drag & Drop to
Upload CSV File

Data stays in your browser. It is not shared, sent to a server, saved, or seen by anyone.

Add to your site instantly

With just two lines of code, users will be able to open CSVs in a rich spreadsheet viewer.

1. Add in <head>
<script src=""></script>

2. Add anywhere
<button data-grist-csv-open="URL-TO-CSV">View CSV</button>

3. Done!

Built by spreadsheet lovers


Much more than a viewer.


Sorting and filtering




Standard spreadsheet formulas like IF() and YEAR()


Click-and-drag quicksums


Python-powered formulas

Free and Open

All you need. Nothing else.


Client-side – no data sent to other servers


Fully open source


Zero third-party tracking


Fully hostable on your CDN

Powered by Grist

If you’re looking to do even more with CSVs or any kind of data, Grist has you covered. Take a look at the example below, where we have the raw CSV file and a full-featured Grist document based on the same data.

CSV preview

Grist document

National parks database

Open full template

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Grist?

Grist is our main product – a modern and open spreadsheet that goes beyond the grid. We take the best features of spreadsheets and databases, allowing the creation of powerful and flexible dashboards that bring out the best in your data. The free plan is generous for individuals and teams working on small projects. For professional use, see pricing.

How can I self-host the Grist CSV Viewer?

The Grist CSV Viewer is part of grist-static, which allows your to serve the CSV Viewer (and Grist itself!) on self-contained sites.

Detailed information on serving the files from your own website or CDN can be found on GitHub.

Does the Grist CSV Viewer collect any data?

The domain is operated by Grist Labs and only serves static files. It logs traffic to measure usage, but does not set or track cookies. Copy the Grist CSV Viewer code to your own website or CDN to keep your traffic completely private. More information on how to do this can be found on GitHub.

Does the Grist CSV Viewer Cost anything?

No. We build spreadsheets full-time and noticed a lack of easy and open ways to view and interact with CSV files. If you’d like to support us, feel free to contribute to the repo on GitHub or check out our main product Grist – which if you like CSVs, you might also like!